The story of how I burnt myself with Romen Noodles

It was a late Saturday afternoon, my brother was of eating paint chips, as usual. And I was at home watching some television. After all, you've got to catch up on the new Billy May's Series, it's called ''OxiClean'', you should check it out. Anyway I was getting quite hungry and decided to look in my kitchen for any grub. Yes I use the word grub, not food, thug life, I know. So I opened up the pantry, and then it hit me. Why don't I ask my good old pal, Billy Mays to help me clean my bathtub. So I spent all day, and night searching for his address. Eventually I found it and packed my bags. My mom didn't care, as long as we were at the most 15,000 miles away. So later that night, I made no progress so I decided to jack a car. So I scared off a driver by ''over italicizing my sentences.'' and I hopped right in. Later that next morning I made it to Billy's house. I was scared, maybe he wouldn't be able to win the MLG championship match. I didn't care, as long as Spoderman swept the window, I'd be dandy. Yes #ThugLife I know I know, I used the word dandy. Anyway, I jumped out of my car, and pulled out my 9mm Beretta Pistol, and started screaming as loud as I could for no apparent reason. I tried to get his attention that way, but noticed there was a doorbell. He answered and reluctantly gave me a life supply of Spongebob DVDS. Any way that night I told my mom what happened, she cooked me some Roman Noodles, and then dropped them on me.
And that, my friend, is how I got burned with Roman Noodles.